Soon To Be Certified As "Appellate Mediator" - Training Completed
The Arkansas Supreme Court - approved Pilot Appellate Mediation is still on-going but not used nearly as much as the cases warrant. ...
Grant Application Submitted To Arkansas' Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission
On behalf of Legal Aid of Arkansas, I submitted a Grant Application to Arkansas' ADR Commission in an effort to fund a pilot program for...
Jon Comstock Gets Schooled in "The Multi-Style Mediator"
I attended Dr. Joe L. Cope, "The Multi-Style Mediator: How Shifting Gears Can Benefit Parties In Mediation" on October 15, 2013,...
Presentation to Arkansas Judiciary
On October 18, 2013, I was honored to be the Moderator of a program presented to a meeting of the circuit court and appellate judges of...
Adjunct Professor - "Conflict Resolution" - University of Arkansas, School of Law
Thoroughly enjoying teaching two 3 hour sections of "Conflict Resolution" at the University of Arkansas, School of Law for 2013 Fall...
Great Speakers Made for an Informative Mediation Forum
NWA's Public Forum on Mediation "Can A Mediator Help Me Settle My Claim?" held October 7th was a great success with almost 30 persons in...
Jon Comstock presents on "Privacy Law" for Arkansas Bar Association
I enjoyed presenting "Big Law - The U. S. Supreme Court and Privacy" at a Continuing Legal Education Privacy Law panel presented by the...